Dating after 50 in Hong Kong: Mission Possible

How To Find A Husband in Hong Kong after 50? Easy! Follow these simple steps to find the ONE!
Reconnect With Old Friends
Do you remember that cute boy from your university? You liked each other, but then you moved to another country? Or maybe school friends? Ex-collegues? Hong Kong is a small place. Use Facebook to find a few old friends and connect with them. Say “Hi”. The worst thing that can happen: He cannot remember you or he just got a new wife. But, he still may be helpful to reconnect with, and he may introduce someone to you, once he knows you are single. Don’t stick to Hong Kong. Also check out old friends abroad. Maybe your love is somewhere in Australia.
Be Active
Playing squash? Love hiking? Or maybe wine tasting? Stay active and look around. Hong Kong is full of such activties. The men who you see regularly on the squash court or in hiking groups often happen to be perfect for the relationship you are looking to have. Be around people, make friends, and some of them will be men who share similar interests and values. Don’t refuse friendship with younger men and women. Their fathers or uncles can be single and willing to find a great woman like you. I know, you may say that most of the singles events have age limit up to 35. Hey, but we have Meetup. Meetup has no age limits and you can find some interesting activities. Internations is also a great option to go with.
“See around” Men
Hong Kong is small. And we meet same people all the time. There are men who just seem to go to the same places you go, or do the same things you do like drinking afternoon tea in the cafe around the corner, walking dogs in the same parks, buying food in the same supermarket, attending the same churches. When you are doing a daily routine, you run into them but don’t see them. Obviously they have same lifestyle preferences as yours. So learn to see them. All you have to do is to start a conversation.
Ask Friends
Tell your friends and family that you are open to start a new relationship and meet new people. Your close friends and family know you best and they probably know men who might be a good match for you. This is a very relaxing and secure approach for finding a husband in Hong Kong or abroad. Needless to say, there may be some disappointment and discomfort in saying “Thanks, but he is not my type”. But, everybody knows the chances.
Online Dating
I am sure, you’ve heard of the online dating successes. Many single women in Hong Kong do very active online dating , but not many end up with Mr. Right. There are plenty of reasons we will discuss next time. Check this review to see which website is suitable for you.
If you want to find a love, start from loving yourself! If you had been Single for a long time and dating does not give you any good result, ask for a help from an expert. We have only one life, and more you wait less chances you have to find love.