10 First Date Tips For Asian Men

Complement her. Always compliment your date, if she has make an effort to look nice for you.
No Smoking,unless she does.
Respectable job. Women love ambitios men. If you have a good job, tell her about this. If not, try to look like you have some plans to work for yourself or go to study. Tell her some idea of your future plans because women will ask questions about your prospects.
Dress well. Leave you shabby clothes at home. Dressing poorly will make you look like a lazy person who does not care about himself. Also it’s disrespectful, if don’t want to make an effort to look nice for her.
Hygiene. Take shower, shave, put some parfume. Make sure you smell good and fresh. Women appreciate it.
Good manners. A woman likes being treated like a lady.So no swear words or the rudenes. Learn to walk, sit and eat like a gentleman. Hold a door open for your date, let her go first and help her with her seat.