An Embarassing Situation On A First Date
- Pretend nothing happened. If your accident was not noticeable (e.g droped a piece of food), move on and don't draw attention.
- If you are sure everyone has noticed it, it’s best to make a joke of the situation. It will help ease the tension of the moment.
- Say "I am sorry". If you did a verbal mistake such as saying something inappropriate, apologize and change the subject.
- The following are some examples other situations you may meet:

Disaster | Solution |
Your pants split. | Tie your jacket or sweater around your waist; If you don’t have one, just buy or borrow it. |
You forgot your wallet | Apologize to your date and ask her out to the better place and pay the bill in full. |
You get sick. | You got sick after a meal. Tell your date you’re not feeling well and need a few minutes. Go to the restroom and try to fix your problems. Ask restaurant staff to give you a pill. If you If you really don’t think you’re going to make it, ask your date for help. Passing out in a bathroom willmake it even worse. |
You ruined her dress. | Spilling wine on her dress takes much more than an apology or joke to fix. In this case, apologize and offer to buy a new dress or pay the dry cleaning bill. |
You run into an angry ex. | Stay calm and let your ex be the only person in the room who makes a fool of him- or herself. |
Your car breaks down. | Make the best of the situation. Call a tow truck and see if the tow truck can drop you off at the restaurant on the way, take a cab home after the meal and deal with your car tomorrow. |